Ryan Potter's Profile

University of Vermont Burgee
University of Vermont

Rating History

Click on a line in the legend to hide it from the chart. Red Lines: Active Week, Blue Lines: Season Markers

Rating History

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Season Rivals


Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Everett Nash Northeastern University
5 4730
Morgana Manti University of Southern California
4 5466
Jan Matteo Bassi University of Southern California
4 3139
Rob Mailley Dartmouth College
4 3655
Duncan Craine Connecticut College
3 4369
Nathan Smith U. S. Naval Academy
2 6355
Patrick Igoe Jacksonville University
2 5513
Jack Vanderhorst U. S. Merchant Marine Academy
2 3918
Shea Smith Tufts University
8 4688
Ossian Kamal Princeton University
10 4049
James Sullivan University of New Hampshire
10 4113
Porter Bell Boston University
10 3099
Luke Hosek Roger Williams University
13 4394
Noah Robitshek Boston University
46 5285
Everett Botwinick Webb Institute
10 5121
Peter McGonagle U. S. Coast Guard Academy
10 4119
Lars Osell U. S. Merchant Marine Academy
35 4924
James Jagielski Olin College of Engineering
8 3954
Elliott Mendenhall Boston University
3 4560
Ava Hurwitz Dartmouth College
3 3603
Sam Monaghan Northeastern University
3 4600
Marshall Rodes University of Massachusetts at Amherst
3 3455
Jack Redmond Boston College
8 4802
Grant Adam Brown University
3 4632
Sean Morrison Salve Regina University
3 1997
Adrien Bellanger Tufts University
3 4379
Nicholas Sessions Hobart and William Smith Colleges
10 4605
Ryan Mckinney Connecticut College
19 3425
Andreas Keswater University of South Florida
14 4939
Tyler Egeli Massachusetts Maritime Academy
16 4055
Felix Nusbaum Williams College
7 1905
Maddie Hawkins Dartmouth College
10 5994
Anna LaDue Maine Maritime Academy
10 659
Clark Morris Tufts University
9 5210
Fritz Baldauf Connecticut College
7 4335
Izzy Wu-Karr Connecticut College
7 2283
Joshua Dillon Northeastern University
5 4580
Colleen O'Brien Boston College
5 6204
Tryg van Wyk George Washington University
4 3685
Zachary Amelotte University of Vermont
4 4006
Wilson Kaznoski Fairfield University
8 4008
Oliver Hurwitz Dartmouth College
8 5102
Trenton Shaw U. S. Naval Academy
10 4742
J.J. Smith Cornell University
10 4873
Robert Bragg Dartmouth College
13 7632
Ted Sherman University of Michigan
10 2300
Charlie Herrick University of Wisconsin
16 4043
Tyler Wood George Washington University
22 5719
Tyler Nash University of Rhode Island
7 5059
John Eastman Tufts University
6 4743
Will Priebe Northeastern University
59 5631
Thibault Antonietti Bowdoin College
7 5432
Mitchell Callahan Harvard University
10 7378
Carlos de Castro Roger Williams University
10 6898
Ben Mueller Tufts University
10 5788
Daniel Unangst U. S. Coast Guard Academy
10 5937
Sam Bonauto Bowdoin College
10 5723
Andy Leshaw Massachusetts Maritime Academy
10 1286
Maks Groom Massachusetts Institute of Technology
17 5927
Owen Bannasch Jacksonville University
14 7325
Stephan Baker Yale University
8 6138
Mason Stang Brown University
8 6001
Charlie Anderson St. Mary's College of Maryland
10 5175
Noyl Odom Old Dominion University
27 5751
Spencer Barnes SUNY Maritime College
35 6202
Teddy Nicolosi Yale University
13 8267
Rayne Duff Webb Institute
14 5873
Declan Botwinick University of Rhode Island
10 5846
Connor Nelson Brown University
14 8118
Kyle Pfrang Roger Williams University
16 6425
Joe Serpa University of Michigan
14 4201
Jonathan Seawards University of California at Santa Barbara
14 6028
Will Murray Hobart and William Smith Colleges
14 5983
Sam Bruce Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21 7442
Patrick Dolan Fordham University
16 4937
Owen Hennessey St. Mary's College of Maryland
14 7787
Carmen Cowles Yale University
25 6936
Colman Schofield U. S. Coast Guard Academy
23 8378
Kerem Erkmen University of Rhode Island
23 7146
Atlee Kohl University of Miami
16 6872
Lachlain McGranahan Harvard University
15 9063
Michael Kirkman Boston College
15 6371
Thomas Hall Bowdoin College
14 6327
Adam Larson North Carolina State University
14 6525
Aidan Hoogland Roger Williams University
13 5898
Peter Lobaugh Fordham University
10 5490
Madison Suh Amherst College
10 2698
Guthrie Braun Brown University
10 6029
Trevor Davis Tufts University
7 5889
Liam O'Keefe Brown University
7 7570
Nicholas Reeser U. S. Coast Guard Academy
6 6133
Peter Busch Boston College
5 5596
Henry Scholz Connecticut College
5 4267
Charles Bresnahan Connecticut College
5 2823
Walter Chiles Middlebury College
4 4165
Nat Edmonds Amherst College
4 3336
William Procter Middlebury College
4 NS
Dalyan Yet Middlebury College
4 2674
Aric Duncan Middlebury College
4 2126
Colin Sueyoshi Amherst College
4 2112
Julius Heitkoetter Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 5333
Michelangelo Vecchio Bowdoin College
3 4104
Ian Hopkins Guerra Boston College
3 4805
William Bailey Roger Williams University
3 4514
Max Sigel University of Rhode Island
3 4422
Zoey Ziskind Harvard University
3 4869
Miles Williams University of Rhode Island
2 5010
Mariner Fagan Georgetown University
2 7496
Michelle Lahrkamp Stanford University
2 5931
Thad Lettsome Tulane University
2 4946
Hudson Mayfield University of Southern California
2 6237
Matias Martin Connecticut College
2 4364
Katherine Weaver McGill University
1 2850

COED FLEET CREW Rivals For F22-S23

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Reese Bragg Dartmouth College
2 6269
Emma Cole Northeastern University
2 5220
Henry Tindall Tufts University
2 6911
Meredith Ryan Yale University
2 6329
Shannon Gondoly Salve Regina University
2 5572
Lily Ornstein Boston College
2 4339
Lily Shore Brown University
2 4600
Amelia Griffith Maine Maritime Academy
2 2927
Michaela ODonnell Roger Williams University
2 5988
Celia Byrne Tufts University
18 5137
Alexander Jaber Northeastern University
18 4849
Catherine Shakin Boston University
13 5474
Clifton Carragher Connecticut College
16 4228
Katelyn McGauley Boston College
15 4155
Abigail VanLonkhuyzen Massachusetts Institute of Technology
18 5040
Jack Farrell U. S. Coast Guard Academy
15 6500
Timmy Gee Bowdoin College
13 4999
Hannah Mailey Salve Regina University
18 4144
Jewelnguyen Huynh Massachusetts Maritime Academy
18 4258
Catherine Webb Yale University
18 7996
Luisa Louchheim Bowdoin College
5 4334
Pomaika'i Ogata Harvard University
18 6213
Izzy Cox Brown University
18 6088
Miles Bailey University of Rhode Island
10 4772
Clare Laroche University of Rhode Island
7 5377
Yumi Yoshiyasu Dartmouth College
18 6532
Molly Matthews Roger Williams University
18 6365
Margaret Archibald Maine Maritime Academy
18 3422
Lachlan Hooper Boston University
5 4722
Sophia Hacket Boston College
2 5100
Charles Mason U. S. Coast Guard Academy
2 4866
Lauren O'Neill U. S. Coast Guard Academy
2 7346
Alexandra Tillinghast Connecticut College
2 6337
Hattie Slayton Bowdoin College
2 5638
Abbie Chipps University of Rhode Island
2 6639
Kennedy Leehealey Harvard University
2 7803
Abigail Murray Boston University
2 4632
Wendy Wu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2 5278
Jillian Harrington Massachusetts Maritime Academy
2 3556
Cecilia Bohan Connecticut College
1 3759

COED TR SKIPPER Rivals For F23-S24

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Ava Hurwitz Dartmouth College
1 3023
Ryan Satterberg Dartmouth College
1 5067
Ben Sheppard Dartmouth College
1 3023
Declan Botwinick University of Rhode Island
1 3790
John Polek University of Rhode Island
1 3362
Adam Strobridge University of Rhode Island
1 3510
Liam Gronda Connecticut College
1 1767
Fritz Baldauf Connecticut College
1 2244
Henry Scholz Connecticut College
1 287
Charles Bresnahan Connecticut College
1 2564
Ryan Mckinney Connecticut College
1 2337
Wade Anthony Connecticut College
1 1814
Andrew Powers Connecticut College
1 NS
Kyle Pfrang Roger Williams University
1 5614
Jack Roman Roger Williams University
1 4797
William Bailey Roger Williams University
1 5015
Luke Hosek Roger Williams University
1 4280
Connor Macken Brown University
0 4632
Ethan Simpson Brown University
0 4245
Blake Behrens Brown University
0 4708
Emil Tullberg Salve Regina University
0 3504
Olivia Lowthian Salve Regina University
0 3253
Sean Morrison Salve Regina University
0 2705
Tyler Winowiecki Salve Regina University
0 3246
Andy Leshaw Massachusetts Maritime Academy
0 2792
Tyler Egeli Massachusetts Maritime Academy
0 3007
Zach Earnshaw Massachusetts Maritime Academy
0 2773
Luke Kenahan Massachusetts Maritime Academy
0 2459
Alvaro Nadal-Alvarez University of Vermont
0 2933
Cooper Smith University of Vermont
0 2952
Zachary Amelotte University of Vermont
0 2633
Ryan Begin University of Vermont
0 3022

COED TR CREW Rivals For F23-S24

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Phoebe Lee Dartmouth College
1 2929
Sophie Menyhart Dartmouth College
1 3018
Vivian Heitkoetter Dartmouth College
1 3018
Vanessa Reid University of Rhode Island
1 3786
Miles Silverman University of Rhode Island
1 3924
Jane Lally University of Rhode Island
1 3504
Andrew Selian Connecticut College
1 1829
Alejandro Amezcua Connecticut College
1 2588
Renee Smith Connecticut College
1 NS
Cecilia Roe Connecticut College
1 2917
Cecilia Bohan Connecticut College
1 3600
Vivian Smith Connecticut College
1 536
Sophia Rey Connecticut College
1 2917
Ashley Breyer Connecticut College
1 NS
Julia O'Connor Roger Williams University
1 3865
Maren Matthews Roger Williams University
1 4381
Ruby Hope Roger Williams University
1 4958
Ethan Snyder Roger Williams University
1 3671


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S24 13 Little Three 4A 5/11 4
S24 13 Little Three 3A 3/11 7
S24 13 Little Three 2A 1/11 4
S24 13 Little Three 1A 2/11 10
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 10A 12/14 14
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 9A 7/14 14
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 8A 14/14 13
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 7A 13/14 14
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 6A 11/14 14
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 5A 13/14 14
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 4A 13/14 14
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 3A 3/14 13
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 2A 8/14 14
S24 11 Truxtun Umstead Regatta 1A 11/14 14
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 12A 11/13 12
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 11A 5/13 10
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 10A 7/13 9
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 9A 5/13 10
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 8A 6/13 11
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 7A 7/13 10
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 6A 7/13 13
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 5A 6/13 10
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 4A 8/13 12
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 3A 8/13 12
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 2A 6/13 13
S24 09 Vietor Trophy 1A 9/13 13
F23 09 The 82nd Professor Schell Trophy 12B 12/18 16
F23 09 The 82nd Professor Schell Trophy 11B 14/18 15
F23 09 The 82nd Professor Schell Trophy 10B 7/18 16
F23 09 The 82nd Professor Schell Trophy 9B 9/18 16
F23 09 The 82nd Professor Schell Trophy 4B 17/18 16
F23 09 The 82nd Professor Schell Trophy 3B 19/18 17
F23 09 The 82nd Professor Schell Trophy 2B 11/18 18
F23 09 The 82nd Professor Schell Trophy 1B 14/18 17
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 14A 16/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 13A 13/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 12A 13/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 11A 6/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 10A 17/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 9A 18/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 8A 18/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 7A 18/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 6A 16/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 5A 18/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 4A 15/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 3A 17/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 2A 15/18 18
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 1A 18/18 18
F23 06 Open ACCs Round 1B 8A 14/18 18
F23 06 Open ACCs Round 1B 7A 18/18 18
F23 05 The George Warren Smith Trophy 3A 10/17 16
F23 05 The George Warren Smith Trophy 2A 14/17 15
F23 05 The George Warren Smith Trophy 1A 12/17 15
F23 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 10A 18/18 17
F23 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 9A 17/18 18
F23 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 6A 17/18 18
F23 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 5A 12/18 18
F23 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 2A 18/18 18
F23 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 1A 16/18 18
F23 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 7A 17/18 16
F23 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 6A 18/18 18
F23 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 5A 15/18 18
F23 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 4A 14/18 18
F23 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 3A 18/18 18
F23 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 2A 18/18 18
F23 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 1A 18/18 18
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 9A 18/18 14
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 8A 12/18 16
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 7A 12/18 15
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 6A 15/18 18
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 5A 8/18 14
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 4A 15/18 17
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 3A 13/18 17
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 2A 13/18 16
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 1A 15/18 18
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 12B 18/18 14
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 11B 18/18 15
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 10B 16/18 16
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 9B 8/18 17
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 4B 18/18 15
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 3B 16/18 15
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 2B 18/18 15
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 1B 17/18 16
S23 11 Owen Trophy 14B 7/14 10
S23 11 Owen Trophy 13B 8/14 10
S23 11 Owen Trophy 12B 5/14 5
S23 11 Owen Trophy 11B 1/14 10
S23 11 Owen Trophy 10B 12/14 4
S23 11 Owen Trophy 9B 10/14 6
S23 11 Owen Trophy 8B 13/14 5
S23 11 Owen Trophy 7B 13/14 5
S23 11 Owen Trophy 6B 6/14 6
S23 11 Owen Trophy 5B 9/14 3
S23 11 Owen Trophy 4B 3/14 3
S23 11 Owen Trophy 3B 11/14 2
S23 11 Owen Trophy 2B 3/14 9
S23 11 Owen Trophy 1B 1/14 5
F22 05 New York Maritime Fall Open 7A 5/16 10
F22 05 New York Maritime Fall Open 6A 3/16 8
F22 05 New York Maritime Fall Open 5A 13/16 11
F22 05 New York Maritime Fall Open 4A 11/16 7
F22 05 New York Maritime Fall Open 3A 10/16 5
F22 05 New York Maritime Fall Open 2A 12/16 9
F22 05 New York Maritime Fall Open 1A 12/16 9
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 10A 2/9 2
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 9A 4/9 1
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 8A 1/9 3
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 7A 1/9 2
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 6A 4/9 4
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 5A 1/9 6
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 4A 6/9 3
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 3A 5/9 3
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 2A 4/9 2
F22 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 1A 5/9 2
F22 03 Barnett Trophy 7A 9/16 10
F22 03 Barnett Trophy 6A 10/16 8
F22 03 Barnett Trophy 5A 10/16 13
F22 03 Barnett Trophy 4A 10/16 10
F22 03 Barnett Trophy 3A 13/16 10
F22 03 Barnett Trophy 2A 13/16 11
F22 03 Barnett Trophy 1A 11/16 11
F22 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 5A 7/13 6
F22 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 4A 1/13 8
F22 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 3A 2/13 3
F22 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 2A 8/13 8
F22 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 1A 5/13 4
F21 08 Chris Loder Trophy 8A 6/18 3
F21 08 Chris Loder Trophy 7A 3/18 6
F21 08 Chris Loder Trophy 6A 6/18 3
F21 08 Chris Loder Trophy 5A 3/18 7
F21 08 Chris Loder Trophy 4A 2/18 6
F21 08 Chris Loder Trophy 3A 3/18 10
F21 08 Chris Loder Trophy 2A 2/18 7
F21 08 Chris Loder Trophy 1A 1/18 5
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 14C 8/15 13
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 13C 3/15 15
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 12C 14/15 15
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 11C 14/15 15
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 10C 15/15 13
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 6C 7/15 14
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 5C 14/15 15
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 4C 14/15 12
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 3C 11/15 12
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 2C 13/15 15
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 1C 12/15 13
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 11A 10/22 9
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 10A 7/22 15
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 9A 6/22 10
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 8A 8/22 15
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 7A 11/22 12
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 4A 7/22 14
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 3A 4/22 19
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 2A 13/22 13
F21 05 Kings Point Dinghy Open 1A 4/22 18
F21 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 6A 8/9 5
F21 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 5A 2/9 4
F21 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 4A 1/9 7
F21 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 3A 2/9 2
F21 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 2A 6/9 2
F21 04 Callagy Ross Trophy 1A 7/9 3
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 14B 9/18 16
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 13B 12/18 16
F22 09 Schell Trophy 14A 16/18 16
F22 09 Schell Trophy 13A 16/18 15
F22 09 Schell Trophy 12A 16/18 15
F22 09 Schell Trophy 11A 18/18 14
F22 09 Schell Trophy 10A 11/18 15
F22 09 Schell Trophy 9A 6/18 15
F22 09 Schell Trophy 8A 13/18 13
F22 09 Schell Trophy 7A 9/18 16
F22 09 Schell Trophy 6A 13/18 16
F22 09 Schell Trophy 5A 9/18 14
F22 09 Schell Trophy 4A 16/18 15
F22 09 Schell Trophy 3A 7/18 15
F22 09 Schell Trophy 2A 3/18 16
F22 09 Schell Trophy 1A 11/18 16
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 14A 15/18 10
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 13A 13/18 15
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 12A 11/18 10
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 11A 10/18 16
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 10A 5/18 16
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 9A 8/18 15
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 8A 10/18 13
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 7A 8/18 17
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 6A 12/18 14
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 5A 12/18 12
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 4A 16/18 14
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 3A 15/18 14
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 2A 13/18 8
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 1A 8/18 16
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 14B 15/17 13
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 13B 12/17 10
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 12B 14/17 9
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 11B 10/17 12
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 10B 6/17 6
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 9B 4/17 9
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 8B 9/17 9
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 7B 11/17 9
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 6B 7/17 11
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 5B 13/17 9
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 4B 9/17 8
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 3B 12/17 6
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 2B 15/17 11
F21 03 Nicholas Barnett Trophy 1B 11/17 1
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 11B 6/14 4
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 10B 8/14 2
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 9B 3/14 7
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 8B 8/14 3
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 7B 5/14 1
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 6B 6/14 5
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 5B 10/14 1
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 4B 2/14 6
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 3B 1/14 4
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 2B 2/14 4
F21 02 Mt. Hope Bay Invite 1B 4/14 7
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S24 05 McMerrick Cup SUNDAY 16 L 52% W
S24 05 McMerrick Cup SUNDAY 13 L 58% L
S24 05 McMerrick Cup SUNDAY 10 L 72% L
S24 05 McMerrick Cup SUNDAY 7 L 66% L
S24 05 McMerrick Cup SUNDAY 4 L 69% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 19 L 50% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 16 L 61% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 13 L 55% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 10 L 55% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 7 W 55% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 3 L 50% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 40 L 91% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 38 W 52% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 35 L 52% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 33 L 69% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 28 L 52% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 26 L 55% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 23 L 72% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 21 L 72% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 17 L 55% W
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 16 W 55% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 14 L 88% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 11 L 72% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 9 L 55% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 8 L 66% L
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 6 L 63% W
S23 08 Harpswell Sound Team Race 3 L 61% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 72 W 69% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 68 L 52% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 63 W 69% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 59 L 52% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 54 W 58% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 50 L 52% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 45 W 52% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 41 L 75% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 36 W 66% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 32 L 58% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 27 W 52% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 23 L 52% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 18 W 63% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 14 L 58% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 9 W 58% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 5 W 55% W
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 71 L 58% W
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 67 L 80% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 63 L 66% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 58 L 63% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 53 L 52% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 48 L 52% W
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 43 L 50% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 39 L 58% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 35 W 66% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 31 L 55% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 27 L 66% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 22 L 63% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 17 L 58% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 12 W 55% W
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 7 L 58% L
S23 06 Bob Bavier Open Team Race 2 L 55% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 40 L 63% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 38 W 69% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 36 L 50% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 28 L 55% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 23 W 61% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 18 L 75% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 13 L 50% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 9 L 61% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 6 L 55% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 3 W 69% W
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 19 L 50% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 16 L 61% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 13 L 55% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 10 L 55% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 7 W 55% L
S24 05 Thames River Team Race 3 L 50% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 56 L 75% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 51 L 55% W
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 46 L 52% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 41 W 61% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 37 W 52% W
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 34 L 66% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 31 L 69% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 26 L 58% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 21 L 66% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 17 L 83% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 14 W 52% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 11 L 55% W
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 8 L 66% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 3 L 72% L