Joe Serpa's Profile

University of Michigan Burgee
University of Michigan

Rating History

Click on a line in the legend to hide it from the chart. Red Lines: Active Week, Blue Lines: Season Markers

Rating History

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Season Rivals


Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Emma Tallman College of Charleston
4 3479
Timothy Hesse University of Notre Dame
2 4384
Christian Ehrnrooth University of Chicago
22 4181
Andreas Keswater University of South Florida
16 4939
Trevor Davis Tufts University
14 5889
Lars Osell U. S. Merchant Marine Academy
14 4924
Spencer Barnes SUNY Maritime College
28 6202
Charlie Herrick University of Wisconsin
39 4043
Mason Shaw Ohio State University
9 4627
Arden Carleton Hillsdale College
9 4434
Eden Nykamp University of South Florida
15 4820
Nick Myneni Michigan Technological University
10 3905
Noah Robitshek Boston University
28 5285
Joseph Gallagher University of Notre Dame
19 4195
Jonathan Seawards University of California at Santa Barbara
28 6028
Owen Bannasch Jacksonville University
14 7325
Adam Larson North Carolina State University
28 6525
Tyler Wood George Washington University
14 5719
Andrew Michels Michigan Technological University
15 4929
Greg Bittle University of Saint Thomas
16 5089
Odey Hariri Purdue University
25 4511
Jenna Kozal Marquette University
13 3728
Dougie Cowan Michigan State University
9 3611
Gavin Dempsey University of Wisconsin
9 4751
Jake Weinstein Northwestern University
22 4206
Mary Castellini University of Wisconsin
3 4232
Anna Kovacs Northwestern University
3 3798
Rayne Duff Webb Institute
28 5873
Nithya Balachander Indiana University
22 5035
Will Murray Hobart and William Smith Colleges
28 5983
Noyl Odom Old Dominion University
14 5751
Thomas Hall Bowdoin College
14 6327
Sam Bruce Massachusetts Institute of Technology
14 7442
Jordan Bruce University of Pennsylvania
14 7000
Bridget Green Cornell University
14 5784
Atlee Kohl University of Miami
14 6872
Will Priebe Northeastern University
14 5631
Domenico Sacchetti University of Illinois
12 3834
Owen Hennessey St. Mary's College of Maryland
28 7787
Rachel Bartel University of Saint Thomas
9 5586
Eric Hoyerman Marquette University
9 3623
Connor Nelson Brown University
14 8118
Noah Zittrer College of Charleston
10 6422
Teddy Nicolosi Yale University
14 8267
Patrick Dolan Fordham University
14 4937
Ryan Potter University of Vermont
14 3710
Carly Irwin Grand Valley State University
16 3201
Robert Bragg Dartmouth College
14 7632
Wyatt Tait Washington University
3 3908
Brittany Shabino Marquette University
3 4024
John Cayen University of Minnesota
3 NS
Bryce Lesinski Indiana University
3 3589
Edmund Redman Hope College
3 3286
Jack Charlton Western Michigan University
3 3046
Jack O'Connor University of Notre Dame
3 3190

COED FLEET CREW Rivals For F21-S22

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Gabriel Abbott Northwestern University
2 2321
Sophie Lusty University of Wisconsin
18 5542
George Lockwood University of Wisconsin
10 4169
Melanie Gainer University of Illinois
18 4492
Sean Sweeney Grand Valley State University
15 2714
John Sullivan Ohio State University
18 3331
Joseph Thuente University of Notre Dame
20 3981
Conall Lynch University of Saint Thomas
18 4768
Matthew Beretta Northwestern University
18 3366
Emily Wood Michigan Technological University
18 3339
Nok In Chan Purdue University
18 4245
Wiktoria Pedryc Lake Forest College
13 2821
Thomas Hadcock University of Wisconsin
7 2992
Noah Mueller Lake Forest College
5 2840
Andrew Michels Michigan Technological University
2 3819
Etain McKinney Marquette University
2 3801
Sam Spencer University of Wisconsin
2 3360
Meriah Kirschstein University of Saint Thomas
2 5754
Gwen Busch Marquette University
2 3713
Ben Spring University of Illinois
2 4204
Quinn Rowe University of Minnesota
2 2174

COED TR SKIPPER Rivals For F23-S24

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Odey Hariri Purdue University
2 3141
Justin Skene Purdue University
2 3190
Sam Childers Purdue University
2 2855
Joseph Thuente University of Notre Dame
2 3465
Joseph Gallagher University of Notre Dame
2 3206
Timothy Hesse University of Notre Dame
2 3194
Gavin Dempsey University of Wisconsin
2 3767
Marley Barrett University of Wisconsin
2 3382
Mary Castellini University of Wisconsin
2 3732
Jake Weinstein Northwestern University
1 2836
Nicholas Chesemore Northwestern University
1 2803
Grace Bray Northwestern University
1 3020
Andrew Michels Michigan Technological University
1 2940
Nick Myneni Michigan Technological University
1 2874
Lucas Rodenroth Michigan Technological University
1 2940
Rachel Bartel University of Saint Thomas
1 3205
Greg Bittle University of Saint Thomas
1 3235
Rakesh Dhiman University of Saint Thomas
1 3235
Nithya Balachander Indiana University
1 2729
Bryce Lesinski Indiana University
1 2791
Daniel de la Vega III Indiana University
1 2729


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 10A 6/11 4
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 9A 7/11 7
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 8A 4/11 7
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 7A 5/11 9
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 6A 12/11 8
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 5A 6/11 5
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 4A 4/11 2
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 3A 4/11 8
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 2A 3/11 9
S24 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Qualifier 1A 1/11 10
F23 10 MCSA Open Fall Championship 8A 14/15 11
F23 10 MCSA Open Fall Championship 7A 9/15 13
F23 10 MCSA Open Fall Championship 6A 4/15 13
F23 10 MCSA Open Fall Championship 5A 4/15 14
F23 10 MCSA Open Fall Championship 4A 12/15 15
F23 10 MCSA Open Fall Championship 3A 8/15 14
F23 10 MCSA Open Fall Championship 2A 13/15 15
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 14A 13/18 16
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 13A 17/18 12
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 12A 14/18 16
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 11A 16/18 12
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 10A 16/18 17
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 9A 17/18 16
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 8A 17/18 11
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 7A 17/18 12
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 6A 8/18 15
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 5A 16/18 12
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 4A 12/18 8
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 3A 10/18 10
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 2A 6/18 13
F23 08 Atlantic Coast Tournament 1A 11/18 14
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 14A 17/18 15
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 13A 17/18 17
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 12A 17/18 17
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 11A 10/18 17
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 10A 14/18 17
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 9A 9/18 17
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 8A 7/18 17
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 7A 11/18 12
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 6A 13/18 18
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 5A 8/18 18
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 4A 15/18 18
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 3A 18/18 15
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 2A 14/18 17
F23 06 Open Atlantic Coast Championships Round 1A 1A 15/18 17
F23 03 Fall Fury 4A 1/17 2
F23 03 Fall Fury 3A 2/17 6
F23 03 Fall Fury 2A 4/17 2
F23 03 Fall Fury 1A 5/17 5
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 13A 16/18 18
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 12A 5/18 18
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 11A 8/18 18
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 10A 17/18 17
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 9A 16/18 17
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 8A 15/18 18
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 7A 17/18 17
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 6A 16/18 18
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 5A 17/18 17
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 4A 18/18 18
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 3A 15/18 18
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 2A 18/18 18
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 1A 9/18 17
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 9A 3/11 6
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 8A 2/11 9
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 7A 7/11 11
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 6A 1/11 4
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 5A 4/11 8
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 4A 3/11 8
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 3A 4/11 11
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 2A 3/11 5
S23 11 MCSA Open Fleet Racing Championship 1A 3/11 11
F22 10 MCSA Fall Championship 6A 1/15 9
F22 10 MCSA Fall Championship 5A 4/15 11
F22 10 MCSA Fall Championship 4A 2/15 13
F22 10 MCSA Fall Championship 3A 9/15 10
F22 10 MCSA Fall Championship 2A 7/15 15
F22 10 MCSA Fall Championship 1A 2/15 12
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 16A 15/18 17
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 15A 16/18 17
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 14A 18/18 16
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 13A 12/18 16
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 12A 17/18 17
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 11A 11/18 17
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 10A 14/18 16
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 9A 12/18 16
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 8A 15/18 17
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 7A 16/18 17
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 6A 11/18 17
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 5A 17/18 18
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 4A 17/18 18
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 3A 10/18 18
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 2A 10/18 18
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Tournament 1A 15/18 18
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 15A 9/18 18
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 14A 12/18 18
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 13A 17/18 18
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 12A 18/18 18
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 11A 18/18 18
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 10A 11/18 15
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 9A 14/18 18
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 8A 18/18 17
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 7A 15/18 17
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 6A 16/18 18
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 5A 17/18 16
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 4A 18/18 17
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 3A 6/18 16
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 2A 18/18 15
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 1A 12/18 18
F22 02 Fall Fury 7A 1/13 7
F22 02 Fall Fury 6A 6/13 4
F22 02 Fall Fury 5A 4/13 7
F22 02 Fall Fury 4A 1/13 5
F22 02 Fall Fury 3A 4/13 7
F22 02 Fall Fury 2A 3/13 7
F22 02 Fall Fury 1A 1/13 3
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 8B 16/18 18
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 7B 17/18 17
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 6B 16/18 17
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 5B 16/18 17
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 4B 16/18 18
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 3B 16/18 17
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 2B 9/18 15
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 1B 18/18 17
S22 11 Navy Spring Regatta 8B 15/16 14
S22 11 Navy Spring Regatta 7B 13/16 14
S22 11 Navy Spring Regatta 4B 6/16 12
S22 11 Navy Spring Regatta 3B 9/16 12
S22 11 Navy Spring Regatta 2B 16/16 12
S22 11 Navy Spring Regatta 1B 10/16 14
S22 06 Charleston Spring 8B 9/13 4
S22 06 Charleston Spring 7B 7/13 8
S22 06 Charleston Spring 6B 9/13 6
S22 06 Charleston Spring 5B 2/13 5
S22 06 Charleston Spring 4B 5/13 9
S22 06 Charleston Spring 3B 7/13 7
S22 06 Charleston Spring 2B 2/13 10
S22 06 Charleston Spring 1B 4/13 8
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S22 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Championship 12B 3/9 1
S22 10 MCSA Open Fleet Race Championship 11B 2/9 2
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 14A 9/14 5
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 13A 1/14 1
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 12A 10/14 3
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 11A 1/14 2
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 10A 4/14 2
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 9A 3/14 5
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 8A 9/14 2
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 7A 1/14 3
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 6A 4/14 6
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 5A 1/14 7
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 4A 1/14 4
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 3A 1/14 9
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 2A 2/14 12
F21 09 MCSA Fall Championship 1A 2/14 10
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 33 W 69% W
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 32 W 66% L
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 29 W 50% L
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 27 L 69% L
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 24 W 55% W
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 19 L 52% W
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 14 W 55% W
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 9 W 55% L
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 5 W 58% W
S24 10 MCSA Open Team Race Qualifier 2 L 61% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 45 W 61% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 41 L 58% L
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 37 L 52% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 34 W 63% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 32 W 55% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 30 W 61% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 26 L 50% L
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 22 L 61% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 19 W 69% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 17 W 61% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 15 W 52% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 11 W 63% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 7 W 52% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 4 W 52% W
S23 11 MCSA Open Team Racing Championship 2 W 55% L
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 28 L 61% W
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 26 L 63% W
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 23 W 58% L
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 21 W 55% W
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 18 L 61% W
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 16 W 61% W
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 13 W 50% L
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 11 W 58% W
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 8 L 63% L
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 6 L 61% W
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 3 W 55% W
S22 10 MCSA Open Team Race Championship 1 L 50% L
S22 09 Big Ten Team Race 22 W 61% W
S22 09 Big Ten Team Race 19 L 61% W
S22 09 Big Ten Team Race 15 W 63% W
S22 09 Big Ten Team Race 11 W 50% L
S22 09 Big Ten Team Race 8 W 61% W
S22 09 Big Ten Team Race 5 W 66% W
S22 09 Big Ten Team Race 2 W 55% W