Thomas Whittemore's Profile

Connecticut College Burgee
Connecticut College

Rating History

Click on a line in the legend to hide it from the chart. Red Lines: Active Week, Blue Lines: First Race of Season

Rating History

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Season Rivals


Sailor Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Mateo Di Blasi
6 5986
Carlos de Castro
5 7104
Diogo Silva
2 5771
Patrick Mulcahy
2 4597
John Eastman
2 5820
Aidan Hoogland
24 8316
Cameron Wood
39 6851
Ciara Rodriguez-Horan
15 6503
Dylan Ascencios
45 7473
Spencer Barnes
14 6292
Maks Groom
35 6058
Trevor Davis
21 7438
Nathan Smith
30 7875
William Michels
47 8174
Teddy Nicolosi
29 8715
Christopher Lukens
39 7258
Thibault Antonietti
20 6300
Benjamin Dufour
14 6087
Ben Mueller
42 7141
Parker Purrington
11 5866
Tyler Mowry
31 8094
Noah Zittrer
14 6889
Jordan Bruce
14 8945
Mia Nicolosi
12 5902
Scott Mais
37 7612
Dana Haig
22 7375
Meredith Moran
15 4800
Chloe Holder
10 4821
Oliver Stokke
19 6195
Daniel Unangst
28 7761
Patrick Dolan
28 5540
Colman Schofield
42 9586
Wilson Kaznoski
12 4599
Eric Hansen
15 5491
Sofia Segalla
8 4036
Asher Zittrer
8 4811
Michael Kirkman
23 7872
Colleen O'Brien
47 7307
Connor Nelson
29 10202
Noah Robitshek
24 5584
Gavin McJones
14 6839
Michelle Lahrkamp
14 8748
Jack Egan
23 10286
Kyle Pfrang
3 7226
Nicholas Reeser
19 7251
Sam Bruce
35 8899
Joey Meagher
14 6543
Kerem Erkmen
18 9300
Robert Bragg
23 10546
Oliver Hurwitz
14 6765
Mathieu Dale
14 6316
Stephan Baker
15 8315
Thomas Hall
47 8829
Cameron Giblin
14 8227
Aidan Dennis
11 6164
Liam O'Keefe
62 10249
Michaela O'Brien
18 6635
Jack Redmond
17 5455
Miles Williams
45 5548
Lucas Sawin
14 5145
Matthew Kickhafer
17 5862
Maddie Hawkins
30 8567
Vanessa Lahrkamp
14 8197
Leo Boucher
14 8889
James Paul
5 6419
Zachary York
5 2781
Javier Garcon
4 6251
Richard McCann
4 4194
Jonathan Riley
14 4405
Carmen Cowles
39 9388
Jed Bell
12 6251
Will Priebe
17 6380
Juan Carlos LaCerda Jones
38 6282
Felix Cutler
12 4808
Nils Tullberg
21 5950
Connell Phillipps
21 6074
Brent Penwarden
5 4853
Jack Vanderhorst
15 4547
Tyler Egeli
19 4704
Joshua Bartoszuk
11 5924
Ted McDonough
29 5637
Lachlain McGranahan
23 12263
Justin Callahan
37 8903
Emil Tullberg
28 6046
Ryan Hamilton
22 4142
Micky Munns
22 6397
Henri Richardsson
22 4125
Nolan Cooper
10 4563
Emily Allen
10 6126
Joshua Dillon
35 4398
David Alexander
15 5654
Owen Lahr
15 5121
Andy Leshaw
32 2625
Charlie Herrick
11 4196
Brody Schwartz
16 3346
Phineas Tait
15 2584
Harrison Bailey
15 3937
Samuel Stephens
7 2670
Nicholas Sessions
6 4348
Luciana Solorzano
5 2748
Sam Monaghan
5 4589
Adrian Winkelman
5 5086
Christian Cushman
5 4158
Peter Foley III
4 4214
Max Kleha
3 3994
Samuel Gavula
3 5173
Abe Weston
2 3393
Tyler Nash
2 5417
Pearl Lattanzi
1 4535

COED FLEET CREW Rivals For F18-S19

Sailor Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Catherine Tang
4 6356
Gabriel Hannon
4 3498
Ian Nannig
4 3528
Sonia Lingos-Utley
4 8420
Carly Berry
4 5591
Kira Woods
4 4473
Rachel Holick
4 7284
Carlota Hopkins Guerra
4 4497
Ian Morgan
4 6131
Sydney Kiedeisch
4 2148
Emma Janson
4 4542
Sean Linden
4 4280
Matt Cappetta
4 4439
Amanda Engeman
4 3997
Alexandra Nygren
4 3250
Alexa Percell
2 3152
Sawyer Balint
2 5915
Greg Moore
2 3181
Daniel Hodges
2 3035
Brett Putnam
2 3044
Thomas Walker
2 4661
Alissa Chen
4 5100
Brian Nelson
4 6564
Kaila Pfrang
4 4045
Emma Perry
4 6368
Tanner Chapko
4 4485
Christian Neuman
4 3504
Evan Langford
4 3237
Aaron Wood
4 3829
Emelia Bartusiak
4 4799
Kieran Cullen
4 6160
Thomas Dunn
4 2800
Haley Wilt
4 NS
Elisabeth Kuester
4 3316
Jennifer Ryan
2 5124
Lydia McPherson-Shambarger
2 6535
Jake Orhan
2 3229
Ian O'Connell
2 3134
Sarah Silvestri
2 3354

COED TR SKIPPER Rivals For F22-S23

Sailor Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Thomas Hall
7 3484
Christopher Lukens
7 3994
Thibault Antonietti
7 3734
Ben Mueller
4 2815
Trevor Davis
4 4033
Patrick Mulcahy
4 4521
John Eastman
2 4142
Tyler Mowry
7 4921
Noah Robitshek
7 4839
Micky Munns
7 4425
Elliott Mendenhall
5 4163
Connell Phillipps
8 4198
Christian Cushman
8 3144
Guthrie Braun
3 4271
Liam O'Keefe
3 4250
Connor Nelson
3 4624
Michael Kirkman
3 3972
Carlos de Castro
3 3487
Julius Heitkoetter
3 3961
Maks Groom
3 4254
Sam Bruce
3 4379
Ryan Hamilton
7 3245
Colleen O'Brien
4 4379
Michaela O'Brien
4 3946
Sam Bonauto
4 4184
Aidan Hoogland
4 5512
Cameron Wood
4 5332
Mathieu Dale
4 3840
Grace Gear
5 2183
Elizabeth Amelotte
5 2183
Audrey Commerford
5 1339
Tyler Nash
7 3575
Jonathan Riley
8 3134
Joshua Bartoszuk
8 4084
Kerem Erkmen
15 4788
Nils Tullberg
5 3576
Emil Tullberg
5 4004
Olivia Lowthian
5 3466
Peter Joslin
3 3943
Kenneth Corsig
2 4614
Peter Lobaugh
2 4059
Patrick Dolan
2 4059
Jeffrey Petersen
2 3050
Edward Cook
2 3817
Diego Escobar
2 2666
Mariner Fagan
2 3848
Mateo Di Blasi
2 3208
Robert Bragg
2 4249
Maddie Hawkins
2 3653
William Michels
2 4015
James Paul
2 4585
Atlee Kohl
2 4100
Aidan Dennis
2 3794
Zachary Ward
2 3443
Richard McCann
2 3458
Jack Egan
2 5698
Stephan Baker
2 3533
Teddy Nicolosi
2 5155
Miles Williams
2 2986
Gray Hemans
2 3576
Nicholas Hurley
2 2952
bella casaretto
2 1796
Oliver Hurwitz
2 3599
Kyle Pfrang
1 4350
Oliver Stokke
1 4462
Thomas Green
1 2654
Patrick Modin
1 2420
Sunrae Sturmer
1 2420
Christopher Sharpless
1 4794
Javier Garcon
1 4093
Samuel Gavula
1 4274
Jordan Bruce
1 4226
Ben Hosford
1 3035
Spencer Barnes
1 3496
Brooks Turcotte
1 2781
Peter Busch
1 3296
Will Priebe
1 3691
Joshua Dillon
1 3578
Ted Bjerregaard
1 3669
Emma Snead
1 3219
Nicholas Reeser
1 3235
Jack Derry
1 3154
Sam Tobin
1 3801
Christophe Chaumont
1 3801
Alex Adams
1 4143
Bryan Trammell
1 3598
Connor Rosow
1 4186
Jack Flores
1 3683
Ryan Potter
1 3575
Charles Bresnahan
1 3556
Fritz Baldauf
1 2741
Andrew Powers
1 2548
Ryan Mckinney
1 3365
Liam Gronda
1 3304

COED TR CREW Rivals For F18-S19

Sailor Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Kaila Pfrang
2 4646
Julia Cho
2 3744
Sameena Shaffeeullah
2 4080
Jennifer Agell
2 4869
Emily Gildea
2 6131
Hallie Repeta
2 4300
Lauren Seigel
2 4307
Eliza Wright
2 3797
Caroline Downey
2 4224
Camryn Kennedy
2 2917
Caroline Puckette
2 3262
Kim Kusminsky
2 2114
Carla Szeplaki
2 3114
Cameron Douglas
2 3135
Marie Bergsund
2 4180
Louisa Lindgren
2 4135
Julia Adams
2 4180
Emily Gonzalez
2 4307
Anisha Arcot
2 5560
Helena Ware
2 3219
Mina Cezairli
2 2839
Peter Cronin
2 1707
Jennifer Ryan
2 2083
Caroline King
2 2448


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 10B 11/18 8
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 9B 5/18 6
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 8B 15/18 9
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 7B 6/18 9
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 6B 6/18 9
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 5B 11/18 9
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 4B 3/18 2
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 3B 14/18 2
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 2B 8/18 2
S23 18 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 1B 8/18 2
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 14A 10/18 9
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 13A 11/18 9
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 12A 6/18 12
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 11A 9/18 11
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 10A 1/18 12
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 9A 7/18 12
S23 13 Open New England Fleet Race Championship 8A 11/18 11
F22 09 Schell Trophy 14B 11/18 6
F22 09 Schell Trophy 13B 3/18 10
F22 09 Schell Trophy 12B 5/18 6
F22 09 Schell Trophy 11B 11/18 7
F22 09 Schell Trophy 10B 12/18 4
F22 09 Schell Trophy 9B 10/18 4
F22 09 Schell Trophy 8B 10/18 6
F22 09 Schell Trophy 7B 7/18 5
F22 09 Schell Trophy 6B 13/18 5
F22 09 Schell Trophy 5B 8/18 6
F22 09 Schell Trophy 4B 7/18 4
F22 09 Schell Trophy 3B 9/18 4
F22 09 Schell Trophy 2B 7/18 7
F22 09 Schell Trophy 1B 11/18 5
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 14A 8/18 11
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 13A 1/18 12
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 12A 16/18 12
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 11A 9/18 11
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 10A 6/18 12
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 9A 6/18 12
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 8A 15/18 6
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 7A 11/18 11
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 6A 16/18 11
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 5A 8/18 11
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 4A 11/18 14
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 3A 7/18 14
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 2A 11/18 13
F22 08 Open Atlantic Coast Championships, Final 1A 13/18 11
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 15B 7/18 6
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 14B 6/18 2
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 13B 3/18 2
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 12B 7/18 3
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 11B 10/18 3
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 10B 2/18 3
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 9B 4/18 2
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 8B 3/18 1
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 7B 10/18 3
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 6B 2/18 2
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 5B 14/18 2
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 4B 4/18 2
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 3B 1/18 1
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 2B 9/18 2
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 1B 12/18 4
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 14B 9/19 6
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 13B 3/19 8
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 12B 12/19 7
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 11B 13/19 6
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 10B 13/19 1
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 9B 6/19 3
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 8B 4/19 2
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 7B 8/19 4
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 6B 9/19 9
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 5B 5/19 7
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 4B 8/19 3
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 3B 9/19 2
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 2B 5/19 2
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 1B 1/19 2
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 14B 17/18 3
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 13B 6/18 2
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 12B 10/18 3
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 11B 16/18 2
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 10B 6/18 3
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 9B 9/18 2
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 8B 4/18 2
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 7B 3/18 2
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 6B 9/18 2
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 5B 5/18 2
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 4B 5/18 3
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 3B 8/18 3
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 2B 12/18 4
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 1B 18/18 4
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 10B 5/18 6
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 9B 4/18 7
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 8B 11/18 6
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 7B 5/18 6
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 6B 1/18 6
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 5B 4/18 5
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 4B 9/18 5
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 3B 6/18 6
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 2B 4/18 6
F22 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 1B 16/18 5
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 12A 17/18 1
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 11A 11/18 3
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 10A 5/18 3
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 9A 4/18 4
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 8A 13/18 5
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 7A 9/18 7
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 6A 15/18 6
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 5A 8/18 3
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 4A 7/18 3
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 3A 18/18 2
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 2A 2/18 6
F22 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 1A 12/18 2
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 16A 14/18 12
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 15A 5/18 12
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 14A 13/18 14
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 13A 7/18 12
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 12A 5/18 13
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 11A 2/18 14
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 10A 8/18 15
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 9A 6/18 16
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 8A 12/18 15
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 7A 16/18 16
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 6A 6/18 16
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 5A 17/18 17
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 4A 7/18 14
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 3A 7/18 17
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 2A 6/18 16
S22 16 College Sailing Dinghy National Championship 1A 16/18 16
S22 16 College Sailing Open Eastern Semifinal 12A 6/18 9
S22 16 College Sailing Open Eastern Semifinal 11A 12/18 12
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 12B 4/18 7
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 11B 3/18 7
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 10B 5/18 7
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 9B 9/18 9
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 8B 2/18 8
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 7B 8/18 9
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 6B 3/18 8
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 5B 12/18 7
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 4B 9/18 10
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 3B 13/18 6
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 2B 10/18 9
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 1B 14/18 7
F21 09 The 80th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 14A 14/18 12
F21 09 The 80th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 13A 16/18 10
F21 09 The 80th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 6A 16/18 8
F21 09 The 80th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 5A 14/18 11
F21 09 The 80th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 4A 13/18 7
F21 09 The 80th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 3A 4/18 10
F21 09 The 80th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 2A 7/18 10
F21 09 The 80th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 1A 12/18 9
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 9A 12/18 17
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 8A 16/18 15
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 7A 9/18 17
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 6A 7/18 16
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 5A 11/18 15
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 4A 18/18 15
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 3A 7/18 13
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 2A 16/18 13
F21 08 Atlantic Coast Championship Finals 1A 9/18 13
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 14A 13/15 6
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 13A 6/15 3
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 12A 10/15 6
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 11A 11/15 5
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 10A 7/15 4
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 9A 1/15 5
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 8A 1/15 4
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 7A 7/15 5
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 6A 13/15 7
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 5A 1/15 5
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 4A 6/15 6
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 3A 11/15 6
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 2A 9/15 6
F21 07 30th Captain Hurst Bowl 1A 10/15 5
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 14A 12/18 10
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 13A 4/18 9
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 12A 4/18 8
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 11A 11/18 10
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 10A 16/18 10
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 9A 2/18 10
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 8A 5/18 9
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 7A 9/18 9
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 6A 3/18 8
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 5A 10/18 8
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 4A 14/18 8
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 3A 13/18 8
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 2A 4/18 11
F21 06 Coed ACC's Round 1A 1A 5/18 9
F21 05 Moody Trophy 17A 1/18 1
F21 05 Moody Trophy 16A 1/18 4
F21 05 Moody Trophy 15A 10/18 2
F21 05 Moody Trophy 14A 4/18 3
F21 05 Moody Trophy 13A 4/18 2
F21 05 Moody Trophy 12A 2/18 3
F21 05 Moody Trophy 11A 2/18 5
F21 05 Moody Trophy 10A 1/18 3
F21 05 Moody Trophy 9A 8/18 2
F21 05 Moody Trophy 8A 10/18 5
F21 05 Moody Trophy 7A 5/18 3
F21 05 Moody Trophy 6A 4/18 1
F21 05 Moody Trophy 5A 4/18 1
F21 05 Moody Trophy 4A 7/18 6
F21 05 Moody Trophy 3A 5/18 4
F21 05 Moody Trophy 2A 10/18 3
F21 05 Moody Trophy 1A 3/18 4
F21 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 6A 16/17 7
F21 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 5A 2/17 8
F21 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 4A 12/17 4
F21 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 3A 15/17 7
F21 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 2A 15/17 5
F21 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 1A 7/17 5
F21 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 5A 7/18 5
F21 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 4A 3/18 5
F21 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 3A 11/18 4
F21 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 2A 9/18 4
F21 03 The Hatch Brown Trophy 1A 4/18 8
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 13A 11/18 7
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 12A 14/18 9
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 11A 14/18 9
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 10A 4/18 7
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 9A 6/18 5
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 8A 10/18 4
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 7A 2/18 6
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 6A 9/18 5
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 5A 17/18 4
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 4A 2/18 2
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 3A 11/18 6
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 2A 17/18 1
F19 08 The 79th Professor Erwin Schell Trophy 1A 1/18 1
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 9B 12/18 6
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 8B 3/18 1
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 7B 13/18 6
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 6B 14/18 2
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 5B 2/18 3
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 4B 13/18 1
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 3B 4/18 3
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 2B 10/18 3
F19 07 Coed Showcase Championship 1B 4/18 1
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 18B 6/18 2
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 17B 4/18 1
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 16B 2/18 1
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 15B 4/18 2
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 14B 3/18 3
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 13B 7/18 3
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 12B 14/18 4
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 11B 1/18 1
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 10B 8/18 3
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 9B 11/18 3
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 8B 8/18 1
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 7B 4/18 2
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 6B 1/18 2
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 5B 10/18 2
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 4B 10/18 1
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 3B 2/18 4
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 2B 5/18 2
F19 05 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase Qualifier A 1B 1/18 3
F19 04 Moody Trophy 13A 7/18 2
F19 04 Moody Trophy 12A 2/18 3
F19 04 Moody Trophy 11A 10/18 3
F19 04 Moody Trophy 10A 3/18 2
F19 04 Moody Trophy 9A 10/18 3
F19 04 Moody Trophy 8A 12/18 2
F19 04 Moody Trophy 7A 3/18 2
F19 04 Moody Trophy 6A 14/18 2
F19 04 Moody Trophy 5A 9/18 2
F19 04 Moody Trophy 4A 4/18 2
F19 04 Moody Trophy 3A 2/18 2
F19 04 Moody Trophy 2A 1/18 3
F19 04 Moody Trophy 1A 3/18 3
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 14B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 13B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 12B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 11B 5/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 10B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 9B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 8B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 7B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 6B 4/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 5B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 4B 2/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 3B 1/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 2B 2/17 1
F19 03 NEISA Showcase Qualifier 1B 1/17 1
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 15A 10/19 8
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 14A 3/19 10
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 13A 5/19 6
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 12A 2/19 7
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 11A 14/19 9
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 10A 13/19 9
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 9A 3/19 6
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 8A 4/19 7
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 7A 17/19 11
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 6A 18/19 5
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 5A 1/19 8
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 4A 8/19 6
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 3A 1/19 6
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 2A 11/19 6
F19 02 Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 1A 16/19 6
F19 01 Harry Anderson 16B 12/18 3
F19 01 Harry Anderson 15B 5/18 3
F19 01 Harry Anderson 14B 9/18 3
F19 01 Harry Anderson 13B 6/18 1
F19 01 Harry Anderson 12B 1/18 4
F19 01 Harry Anderson 11B 10/18 3
F19 01 Harry Anderson 10B 6/18 2
F19 01 Harry Anderson 9B 8/18 5
F19 01 Harry Anderson 8B 3/18 4
F19 01 Harry Anderson 7B 6/18 2
F19 01 Harry Anderson 6B 17/18 4
F19 01 Harry Anderson 5B 1/18 2
F19 01 Harry Anderson 4B 1/18 5
F19 01 Harry Anderson 3B 3/18 2
F19 01 Harry Anderson 2B 7/18 3
F19 01 Harry Anderson 1B 7/18 3
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 16B 16/18 14
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 15B 8/18 11
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 14B 18/18 14
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 13B 11/18 9
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 12B 3/18 13
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 11B 3/18 12
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 8B 2/18 13
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 7B 12/18 9
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 6B 16/18 14
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 5B 11/18 13
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 4B 18/18 13
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 3B 17/18 12
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 2B 14/18 14
S19 18 Gill College Sailing Coed National Championship 1B 1/18 15
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 12B 2/18 5
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 11B 7/18 5
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 10B 1/18 6
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 9B 5/18 6
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 8B 10/18 5
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 7B 10/18 6
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 6B 8/18 8
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 5B 11/18 8
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 4B 6/18 8
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 3B 10/18 11
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 2B 4/18 12
S19 18 Gill Coed Western Semifinal 1B 8/18 13
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 14B 9/18 10
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 13B 6/18 10
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 12B 7/18 6
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 11B 9/18 13
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 10B 16/18 3
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 9B 7/18 3
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 8B 8/18 7
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 7B 14/18 7
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 6B 4/18 8
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 5B 7/18 5
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 4B 7/18 6
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 3B 3/18 8
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 2B 9/18 11
S19 13 NEISA Coed Championship 1B 1/18 11
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 13B 17/17 10
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 12B 10/17 10
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 11B 3/17 6
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 10B 2/17 7
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 9B 5/17 10
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 8B 2/17 12
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 7B 3/17 11
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 6B 10/17 9
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 5B 7/17 15
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 4B 15/17 10
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 3B 5/17 16
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 2B 5/17 16
S19 11 Thompson Trophy 1B 13/17 11
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 14B 7/18 11
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 13B 9/18 10
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 12B 4/18 6
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 11B 14/18 6
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 10B 12/18 8
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 9B 2/18 11
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 8B 14/18 10
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 7B 8/18 12
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 6B 3/18 13
F18 09 The 78th Professor Schell Trophy 5B 12/18 10
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 8B 16/19 6
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 7B 11/19 6
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 6B 6/19 6
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 5B 5/19 6
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 4B 6/19 5
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 3B 5/19 6
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 2B 3/19 7
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 1B 6/19 7
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 11A 13/17 13
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 8A 4/17 13
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 7A 4/17 11
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 6A 6/17 14
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 5A 14/17 15
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 4A 17/17 14
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 3A 13/17 14
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 2A 15/17 6
F18 07 Captain Hurst Bowl 1A 13/17 11
F18 06 Harvard Coed Showcase 2 10B 10/18 7
F18 06 Harvard Coed Showcase 2 9B 5/18 12
F18 06 Harvard Coed Showcase 2 8B 11/18 15
F18 06 Harvard Coed Showcase 2 7B 15/18 15
F18 06 Harvard Coed Showcase 2 6B 12/18 8
F18 06 Harvard Coed Showcase 2 5B 6/18 15
F18 05 Danmark Trophy 5B 5/20 11
F18 05 Danmark Trophy 4B 2/20 9
F18 05 Danmark Trophy 3B 6/20 19
F18 05 Danmark Trophy 2B 13/20 4
F18 05 Danmark Trophy 1B 5/20 8
F18 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 11B 11/18 14
F18 03 The Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 3C 6/17 14
F18 03 The Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 2C 13/17 15
F18 03 The Hatch Brown Memorial Trophy 1C 15/17 12
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 11A 5/11 2
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 10A 7/11 7
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 9A 6/11 1
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 8A 6/11 2
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 7A 8/11 3
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 6A 2/11 5
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 5A 9/11 1
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 4A 3/11 1
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 3A 8/11 3
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 2A 3/11 2
F18 02 Penobscot Bay Open 1A 2/11 2
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 14B 1/19 9
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 13B 7/19 12
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 12B 3/19 14
F18 08 Truxtun Umsted Coed Showcase 11B 13/19 11
F18 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 6B 12/18 16
F18 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 5B 7/18 13
F18 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 4B 1/18 15
F18 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 3B 18/18 10
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S23 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 37 W 58% W
S23 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 28 W 61% L
S23 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 22 W 69% W
S23 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 16 L 55% L
S23 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 11 L 63% L
S23 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 6 L 58% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 53 L 61% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 49 L 55% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 46 W 52% W
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 43 W 52% W
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 40 L 77% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 35 L 75% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 30 W 66% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 27 L 91% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 24 L 61% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 19 W 69% W
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 14 L 50% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 9 L 50% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 5 L 61% L
S23 09 The 40th Cardinal Red Lynne Marchiando Team Races 2 L 58% L
S23 08 Staake Trophy 50 W 80% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 48 L 58% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 44 W 66% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 41 L 52% L
S23 08 Staake Trophy 40 W 77% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 38 L 58% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 34 W 63% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 31 W 61% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 30 W 58% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 27 L 83% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 24 W 61% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 22 W 63% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 19 W 77% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 16 W 55% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 14 L 61% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 11 W 61% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 10 W 83% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 8 W 52% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 6 W 61% W
S23 08 Staake Trophy 3 W 69% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 62 W 80% L
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 60 L 61% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 57 W 58% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 54 W 77% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 50 W 63% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 42 L 72% L
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 38 W 66% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 34 W 55% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 30 W 72% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 24 L 72% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 18 W 58% L
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 12 W 55% L
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 6 W 63% W
S23 07 Southern NE Team Race 1 W 58% L
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 31 W 55% L
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 29 L 58% W
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 28 W 52% W
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 23 L 52% W
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 18 W 61% W
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 13 L 69% L
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 9 W 69% L
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 6 W 50% L
S23 06 John Jackson Memorial Team Race Regatta 3 L 52% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 34 L 75% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 31 W 66% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 29 W 61% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 26 W 61% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 23 L 55% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 20 W 58% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 15 L 75% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 10 W 52% W
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 5 W 58% L
S23 05 Thames River Team Race 1 W 80% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 64 L 58% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 59 W 63% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 54 L 52% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 47 L 63% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 40 W 58% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 33 W 69% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 26 L 83% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 19 W 72% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 13 L 55% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 8 L 75% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 3 L 77% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 115 L 77% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 106 L 58% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 99 L 58% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 93 W 75% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 83 W 72% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 75 L 86% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 68 L 63% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 59 W 77% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 51 L 61% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 45 W 55% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 37 L 91% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 29 L 72% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 21 L 75% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 9 W 83% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 3 W 58% W
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 73 L 63% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 69 W 50% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 65 L 50% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 61 L 50% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 57 L 75% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 53 W 63% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 49 W 52% W
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 45 W 58% W
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 40 W 63% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 34 L 75% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 29 W 55% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 24 L 61% W
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 19 L 66% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 14 L 75% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 10 L 52% W
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 6 W 77% L
S22 08 Jan T. Friis Team Race 2 L 86% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 88 L 97% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 84 W 50% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 80 L 75% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 74 L 80% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 68 L 63% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 62 L 63% W
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 56 W 63% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 51 L 77% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 47 W 61% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 43 W 80% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 39 W 63% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 35 L 55% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 29 L 72% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 23 L 75% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 17 W 52% W
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 11 W 69% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 6 L 50% L
S22 07 Southern New England Team Race 2 W 63% W
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 40 W 63% W
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 36 W 66% L
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 32 W 58% W
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 29 W 58% W
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 26 W 63% W
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 23 W 63% L
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 19 W 66% W
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 15 W 72% L
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 11 W 55% L
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 8 W 58% W
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 5 L 63% W
S22 06 Rudkin Team Race 2 W 75% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 69 W 75% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 65 L 52% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 62 L 52% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 58 L 50% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 53 W 88% W
S22 05 Hap Moore 48 W 61% W
S22 05 Hap Moore 43 W 63% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 38 W 55% W
S22 05 Hap Moore 33 W 52% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 29 W 66% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 26 L 52% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 22 L 50% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 17 W 58% W
S22 05 Hap Moore 11 W 61% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 6 W 63% L
S22 05 Hap Moore 2 W 61% L
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 83 W 83% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 80 W 75% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 77 W 72% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 73 W 69% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 69 W 77% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 65 W 61% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 62 W 58% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 59 W 52% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 56 W 80% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 52 W 75% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 48 W 75% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 44 W 52% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 41 L 63% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 38 L 55% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 35 W 80% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 31 L 69% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 27 W 80% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 23 W 72% L
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 20 W 55% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 17 W 52% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 14 W 69% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 10 W 58% L
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 6 W 72% W
S20 06 Rudkin Team Race 2 L 69% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 92 L 66% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 87 L 66% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 83 L 88% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 80 L 69% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 77 L 80% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 74 L 83% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 69 L 61% W
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 62 L 55% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 57 L 83% W
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 52 W 52% W
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 47 L 55% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 42 W 55% W
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 35 W 69% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 28 W 66% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 21 L 58% L
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 14 W 58% W
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 7 L 72% W
S19 10 NEISA Team Race Championship 1 W 61% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 173 W 72% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 165 L 50% L
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 159 W 58% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 154 W 88% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 148 W 72% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 139 W 69% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 133 W 72% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 121 L 63% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 112 W 80% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 106 W 66% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 100 L 61% L
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 88 W 52% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 78 L 72% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 72 W 58% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 62 W 58% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 51 L 69% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 45 L 55% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 37 L 58% L
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 26 L 61% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 15 W 63% L
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 8 W 55% W
S19 09 38th Lynne Marchiando Trophy 2 W 52% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 59 L 52% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 57 W 61% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 53 W 61% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 49 W 55% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 46 W 83% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 44 W 55% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 42 W 58% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 38 W 52% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 34 W 61% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 31 W 72% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 29 W 58% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 27 W 63% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 23 L 61% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 19 L 63% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 16 W 55% W
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 14 L 66% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 12 W 58% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 8 W 75% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 4 L 66% L
S19 08 Staake Team Race NE Qualifier 1 W 55% W
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 87 L 75% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 83 L 61% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 79 W 58% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 75 L 83% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 69 W 77% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 63 L 50% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 57 L 72% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 51 W 52% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 46 W 61% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 42 L 66% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 38 L 61% W
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 34 W 52% W
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 30 L 69% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 24 W 83% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 18 L 58% W
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 12 L 55% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 6 W 55% L
S19 07 Southern New England Team Race 1 W 55% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 55 L 58% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 50 W 55% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 45 W 58% W
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 41 W 69% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 38 W 61% W
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 35 W 58% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 32 W 72% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 27 W 52% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 22 L 61% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 17 W 66% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 13 L 61% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 10 W 55% W
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 7 L 66% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 4 L 52% W
S19 05 Hap Moore Team Race 19 L 72% L
S19 05 Hap Moore Team Race 14 W 55% W
S19 05 Hap Moore Team Race 9 L 50% L
S19 05 Hap Moore Team Race 5 W 69% W
S19 05 Hap Moore Team Race 2 L 55% W
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 55 L 58% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 50 W 55% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 45 W 58% W
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 41 W 69% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 38 W 61% W
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 35 W 58% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 32 W 72% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 27 W 52% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 22 L 61% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 17 W 66% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 13 L 61% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 10 W 55% W
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 7 L 66% L
S19 06 Rudkin Team Race 4 L 52% W