Thomas Styron's Profile

Brown University Burgee
Brown University

Rating History

Click on a line in the legend to hide it from the chart. Red Lines: Active Week, Blue Lines: Season Markers

Rating History

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Season Rivals


Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Blake Behrens Brown University
8 5127
Caroline Sibilly Boston College
8 3482
Tyler Nash University of Rhode Island
4 5059
Sam Bonauto Bowdoin College
8 5723
Drew Mastovsky Roger Williams University
8 6319
Nolan Cooper Fairfield University
8 4460
Nicholas Reeser U. S. Coast Guard Academy
8 6133
Miles Williams University of Rhode Island
3 5010
Maks Groom Massachusetts Institute of Technology
8 5927
Joshua Dillon Northeastern University
8 4580
Ryan Satterberg Dartmouth College
8 5236
Emma Cowles Yale University
8 4635
Mia Nicolosi Yale University
8 4365
Charles Bresnahan Connecticut College
6 2823
Peter Schnell Olin College of Engineering
8 3332
Connor Rosow Tufts University
8 5194
Porter Bell Boston University
8 3099
Christian Cushman University of Vermont
8 3815
Andrew Powers Connecticut College
1 3518

COED TR SKIPPER Rivals For F22-S23

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Jack Roman Roger Williams University
4 4797
Graham Ness Boston College
4 3963
Dylan Ascencios Harvard University
2 4482
Lachlain McGranahan Harvard University
2 5787
Eric Hansen Harvard University
2 4387
Justin Callahan Harvard University
2 6104
Mitchell Callahan Harvard University
2 5827
Adrien Bellanger Tufts University
2 4214
Maks Groom Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2 4961
Julius Heitkoetter Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2 4797
Sam Bruce Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2 4889
Brielle Willoughby Brown University
2 3594
Charlotte Costikyan Brown University
2 3499
Katherine McNamara Brown University
2 3699
Katharine Doble Brown University
2 3335
Nils Tullberg Salve Regina University
2 3715
Emil Tullberg Salve Regina University
2 3504
Olivia Lowthian Salve Regina University
2 3253
Oliver Stokke Roger Williams University
5 4501
Bryan Trammell Tufts University
3 3825
Jack Flores Tufts University
3 3590
George Higham Roger Williams University
3 4291
Libby Redmond Boston College
3 3788
Caroline Sibilly Boston College
3 2205
William Bailey Roger Williams University
3 5015
Patrick Mulcahy Tufts University
3 4374
Chloe Holder Tufts University
3 4040
Peter Busch Boston College
3 4385
Elliott Mendenhall Boston University
4 4266
Porter Bell Boston University
4 3837
Nathan Selian Boston University
4 3244
Connor Rosow Tufts University
4 4093
Luke Hosek Roger Williams University
6 4280
Chase Reynolds Roger Williams University
3 3428
Emmett Nevel Roger Williams University
3 3335
Max Sigel University of Rhode Island
3 2839
Colleen O'Brien Boston College
2 4137
Peter Joslin Boston College
2 4588
Thomas Hall Bowdoin College
2 3963
Christopher Lukens Bowdoin College
2 3904
Thibault Antonietti Bowdoin College
2 3895
Jack Egan Yale University
2 5317
Carmen Cowles Yale University
2 3724
Stephan Baker Yale University
2 4493
Teddy Nicolosi Yale University
2 5265
Colman Schofield U. S. Coast Guard Academy
2 5433
Daniel Unangst U. S. Coast Guard Academy
2 5311
Matthew Kickhafer U. S. Coast Guard Academy
2 4312
Nicholas Reeser U. S. Coast Guard Academy
2 5193
Aidan Hoogland Roger Williams University
2 5626
Carlos de Castro Roger Williams University
2 5292
Cameron Wood Roger Williams University
2 4950
Thomas Johnson University of Rhode Island
2 3100
Tyler Miller University of Rhode Island
2 3101
Caylin Schnoor Roger Williams University
2 2986
Katherine McGagh Roger Williams University
2 2986
Adrian Winkelman Northeastern University
2 3304
Aidan Boni Northeastern University
2 2793
Samuel Rooks Northeastern University
2 2806
Ryan Mckinney Connecticut College
2 2337
Andrew Powers Connecticut College
2 NS
Charles Bresnahan Connecticut College
2 2564
Connell Phillipps University of Vermont
2 4095
Ryan Hamilton University of Vermont
2 3487
Ryan Potter University of Vermont
2 3177
Jed Bell Brown University
2 3961
William George Brown University
2 3909
Leyton Borcherding Brown University
2 4361
Caroline Bayless Brown University
2 3705
Nick Budington Boston College
1 4625
Ethan Danielson Bowdoin College
1 2747
Charlie Apolinsky Bowdoin College
1 2525
Benjamin Stevens Bowdoin College
1 2932
Jonathan Chance Bowdoin College
1 3495
Blake Vogel Tufts University
1 3604
Shea Smith Tufts University
1 3516
Adam Larzelere Tufts University
1 3243
Olin Guck University of Rhode Island
1 3132
Tyler Nash University of Rhode Island
1 4769
Calvin Lamosse University of Vermont
1 2523
Christian Cushman University of Vermont
1 3334
Alvaro Nadal-Alvarez University of Vermont
1 2933


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 9B 7/18 7
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 8B 10/18 4
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 7B 12/18 7
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 6B 1/18 9
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 5B 9/18 8
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 4B 10/18 11
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 3B 8/18 12
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 2B 3/18 5
F23 02 Harry Anderson Jr Regatta 1B 7/18 10
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 12A 5/16 2
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 11A 11/16 1
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 10A 2/16 1
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 9A 3/16 1
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 8A 2/16 2
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 7A 1/16 3
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 6A 4/16 3
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 5A 4/16 2
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 4A 1/16 4
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 3A 6/16 1
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 2A 4/16 1
S23 12 George Morris Trophy 1A 2/16 3
S23 11 Oberg Trophy 8A 11/15 3
S23 11 Oberg Trophy 7A 6/15 5
S23 11 Oberg Trophy 6A 2/15 6
S23 11 Oberg Trophy 5A 13/15 4
S23 11 Oberg Trophy 4A 11/15 1
S23 11 Oberg Trophy 3A 4/15 3
S23 11 Oberg Trophy 2A 4/15 3
S23 11 Oberg Trophy 1A 6/15 3
F22 05 George Warren Smith Trophy 8A 4/20 3
F22 05 George Warren Smith Trophy 7A 6/20 5
F22 05 George Warren Smith Trophy 6A 4/20 7
F22 05 George Warren Smith Trophy 5A 14/20 4
F22 05 George Warren Smith Trophy 4A 6/20 4
F22 05 George Warren Smith Trophy 3A 1/20 7
F22 05 George Warren Smith Trophy 2A 10/20 8
F22 05 George Warren Smith Trophy 1A 3/20 8
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 12B 1/19 13
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 11B 6/19 12
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 10B 12/19 8
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 9B 3/19 9
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 8B 5/19 10
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 7B 17/19 10
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 6B 9/19 6
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 5B 13/19 13
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 4B 20/19 5
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 3B 2/19 7
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 2B 7/19 4
F22 04 The Hood Trophy 1B 10/19 10
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 9B 15/15 8
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 8B 5/15 9
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 7B 4/15 7
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 6B 6/15 8
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 5B 9/15 9
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 4B 6/15 10
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 3B 10/15 10
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 2B 7/15 9
S22 12 84th Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup 1B 13/15 9
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 16A 7/10 4
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 15A 1/10 4
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 14A 8/10 5
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 13A 9/10 4
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 12A 2/10 5
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 11A 3/10 4
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 10A 6/10 6
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 9A 8/10 5
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 8A 6/10 4
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 7A 6/10 5
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 6A 2/10 6
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 5A 1/10 5
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 4A 3/10 5
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 3A 2/10 7
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 2A 3/10 8
S22 11 Spring Oberg Trophy 1A 7/10 8
F21 08 Oberg Trophy 6B 8/18 9
F21 08 Oberg Trophy 5B 8/18 7
F21 08 Oberg Trophy 4B 16/18 2
F21 08 Oberg Trophy 3B 16/18 3
F21 08 Oberg Trophy 2B 7/18 6
F21 08 Oberg Trophy 1B 9/18 7
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 14A 11/18 6
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 13A 16/18 7
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 12A 19/18 8
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 11A 5/18 6
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 10A 8/18 8
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 9A 4/18 5
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 8A 7/18 5
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 7A 9/18 5
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 6A 6/18 12
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 5A 8/18 5
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 4A 8/18 8
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 3A 1/18 11
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 2A 10/18 10
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 1A 2/18 10
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 10A 6/17 8
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 9A 6/17 4
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 8A 6/17 5
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 7A 3/17 10
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 6A 9/17 9
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 5A 1/17 4
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 4A 7/17 7
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 3A 7/17 9
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 2A 7/17 5
F21 04 Salt Pond Invite 1A 5/17 5
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S23 10 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 33 W 66% W
S23 10 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 29 W 55% L
S23 10 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 23 L 58% W
S23 10 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 19 W 52% L
S23 10 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 15 L 61% L
S23 10 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 11 W 52% L
S23 10 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 7 L 63% L
S23 10 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 2 L 52% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 67 L 61% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 64 L 52% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 59 L 61% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 55 L 72% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 50 L 66% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 47 L 58% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 44 L 52% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 40 W 66% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 36 W 55% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 30 W 75% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 25 W 58% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 22 L 61% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 16 L 72% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 13 L 72% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 7 L 63% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 4 W 63% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 69 W 52% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 64 L 50% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 59 W 52% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 55 W 55% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 51 W 52% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 47 W 66% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 43 W 63% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 39 W 50% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 33 L 66% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 28 L 55% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 23 W 52% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 19 L 52% L
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 15 W 66% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 11 W 61% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 7 W 58% W
S23 07 Brown Team Race Invite 3 W 52% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 43 L 55% L
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 40 L 58% L
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 38 W 66% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 34 W 66% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 32 W 61% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 28 W 55% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 25 W 50% L
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 23 W 55% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 19 W 58% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 17 L 52% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 13 W 50% L
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 10 L 66% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 8 W 58% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 4 W 55% W
F22 08 Norman Reid Team Race 2 W 52% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 66 W 52% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 62 W 55% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 59 L 63% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 57 L 52% W
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 54 W 63% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 45 L 69% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 40 W 66% W
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 35 L 58% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 30 W 58% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 25 L 50% L
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 20 L 72% W
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 15 L 58% W
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 10 W 58% W
S22 10 Mystic Lake TR 5 W 72% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 52 W 52% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 51 W 55% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 49 W 69% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 45 L 55% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 41 W 55% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 39 W 58% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 38 W 77% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 36 W 61% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 32 W 69% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 30 W 69% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 27 W 63% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 24 W 55% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 22 W 69% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 20 W 69% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 16 W 58% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 13 W 66% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 11 L 63% L
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 8 W 69% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 5 L 61% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 4 W 75% W
S22 09 Jumbo Team Race 1 W 75% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 82 W 58% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 79 L 69% L
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 76 L 55% L
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 71 L 66% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 66 W 75% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 61 W 66% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 57 W 66% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 55 W 55% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 51 W 52% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 48 W 52% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 44 L 52% L
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 39 L 55% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 35 L 75% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 30 W 50% L
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 26 W 55% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 21 W 63% W
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 17 W 58% L
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 13 W 58% L
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 9 W 61% L
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 6 L 52% L
S22 07 The Ivan Geiger Team Race Regatta 2 L 63% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 83 W 77% W
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 80 W 75% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 75 W 61% W
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 70 W 61% W
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 65 W 77% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 61 L 52% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 58 L 58% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 56 L 72% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 51 W 52% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 46 W 63% W
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 41 W 58% W
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 37 W 50% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 34 W 63% W
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 31 L 69% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 28 W 69% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 23 L 52% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 18 W 58% W
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 13 W 52% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 9 W 52% W
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 6 W 58% L
S22 05 McMerrick Cup Team Race 3 L 55% L
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 18 W 69% L
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 16 W 63% L
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 14 L 52% L
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 12 L 52% L
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 10 W 52% L
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 8 L 52% W
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 6 W 52% W
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 4 L 58% L
F21 09 Dave Perry Team Race 2 L 66% W