Maeve Greally's Profile

Massachusetts Maritime Academy Burgee
Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Rating History

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Rating History

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Season Rivals

COED FLEET CREW Rivals For F23-S24

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Theo Baldwin Edwards Wesleyan University
10 2411
aryanna clasby Salve Regina University
3 2942
James Lippert Massachusetts Maritime Academy
10 2310
Cody Lamoreux Tufts University
10 5912
Dylan Infanti University of Connecticut
10 2812
Trixie Williams University of New Hampshire
10 3742
Algis Petlin University of Massachusetts at Amherst
10 3253
Jane Lally University of Rhode Island
6 3519
Nicholas David Boston University
6 3357
Victoria Sikorjak Salve Regina University
6 3219
Ella Gibson University of Rhode Island
4 4554
Adam Elci Boston University
4 4848


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 10B 7/10 9
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 9B 8/10 10
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 8B 9/10 10
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 7B 10/10 10
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 6B 10/10 10
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 5B 10/10 8
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 4B 8/10 9
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 3B 10/10 10
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 2B 10/10 9
F23 06 Great Herring Pond Open 1B 7/10 10
F21 09 The Nickerson Trophy 8B 23/22 20
F21 09 The Nickerson Trophy 7B 22/22 19
F21 09 The Nickerson Trophy 6B 19/22 20
F21 09 The Nickerson Trophy 5B 16/22 20
F21 09 The Nickerson Trophy 4B 19/22 20
F21 09 The Nickerson Trophy 3B 19/22 18
F21 09 The Nickerson Trophy 2B 19/22 22
F21 09 The Nickerson Trophy 1B 18/22 17
F21 06 Great Herring Pond Open 12A 13/15 11
F21 06 Great Herring Pond Open 11A 11/15 11
F21 06 Great Herring Pond Open 10A 12/15 10
F21 06 Great Herring Pond Open 9A 15/15 10
F21 06 Great Herring Pond Open 8A 7/15 11
F21 06 Great Herring Pond Open 7A 13/15 11