Jake Montjoy's Profile

North Carolina State University Burgee
North Carolina State University

Rating History

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Rating History

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Season Rivals


Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Andrew Ettlemyer University of South Carolina
8 2767
Henry Parker The Citadel
3 3495
Dillon Garcia College of Charleston
8 6074
Noah Jost University of North Carolina
8 4294
Christine Moore University of North Carolina at Wilmington
8 71
Kenneth Buck The Citadel
5 4549
Mason Baird Clemson University
8 4393
James Keller Georgia Institute of Technology
8 2257
Max Stevens College of Coastal Georgia
8 1839
Rachel Delie University of Georgia
1 3031

COED FLEET CREW Rivals For F21-S22

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Benedict Gorman Catholic University of America
7 3172
Claude De Lamater-Brotherton Clemson University
7 3379
Jacob Friend North Carolina State University
4 5321
Sydney Mitchell University of North Carolina at Wilmington
7 2288
Emily Gustafsson Duke University
11 4551
Matthew Simpson Georgia Institute of Technology
11 3665
Edward Ryan University of Georgia
11 2990
Tucker Parks North Carolina State University
7 3472
Joey Dunn University of North Carolina at Wilmington
4 2774
Margaret Kelly Catholic University of America
3 2230
Spencer Lasky Penn State University
1 2989
Catey Knopf Catholic University of America
1 2394


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
F23 07 David Van Cleef Memorial Trophy 8A 7/10 5
F23 07 David Van Cleef Memorial Trophy 7A 6/10 3
F23 07 David Van Cleef Memorial Trophy 6A 2/10 6
F23 07 David Van Cleef Memorial Trophy 5A 6/10 6
F23 07 David Van Cleef Memorial Trophy 4A 6/10 5
F23 07 David Van Cleef Memorial Trophy 3A 5/10 3
F23 07 David Van Cleef Memorial Trophy 2A 3/10 4
F23 07 David Van Cleef Memorial Trophy 1A 6/10 6
S23 06 Tiger Town Trophy 2B 3/7 6
S23 06 Tiger Town Trophy 1B 3/7 5
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 12B 14/16 12
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 11B 10/16 12
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 10B 14/16 12
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 9B 12/16 13
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 8B 14/16 13
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 7B 13/16 13
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 6B 10/16 15
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 5B 10/16 12
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 4B 15/16 15
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 3B 12/16 13
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 2B 12/16 13
F22 08 Lake Virginia Invitational 1B 14/16 9
F22 07 2022 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 6B 3/8 5
F22 07 2022 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 5B 5/8 7
F22 07 2022 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 4B 2/8 4
F22 07 2022 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 3B 5/8 4
F22 07 2022 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 2B 4/8 8
F22 07 2022 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 1B 4/8 1
F22 05 Tiger Town Trophy 3B 3/10 6
F22 05 Tiger Town Trophy 2B 2/10 9
F22 05 Tiger Town Trophy 1B 5/10 8
S22 09 Volunteer Open 4A 9/9 7
S22 09 Volunteer Open 3A 6/9 7
S22 09 Volunteer Open 2A 9/9 6
S22 09 Volunteer Open 1A 8/9 1
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 10B 2/10 3
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 9B 3/10 4
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 8B 5/10 3
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 7B 4/10 3
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 6B 4/10 2
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 5B 3/10 3
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 4B 5/10 3
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 3B 4/10 4
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 2B 3/10 3
F21 11 2021 Triangle Tango Intercollegiate 1B 3/10 9