Hank Bailey's Profile

Roger Williams University Burgee
Roger Williams University

Rating History

Click on a line in the legend to hide it from the chart. Red Lines: Active Week, Blue Lines: Season Markers

Rating History

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Season Rivals

COED FLEET CREW Rivals For F23-S24

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Sam Schuhwerk George Washington University
2 3682
Robert Upton Fordham University
2 3334
Spencer Kriegstein Georgetown University
2 6640
Kerstin Hyer University of Wisconsin
2 3917
Aidan Iaconis College of Charleston
3 4226
Ximena Escobar Yale University
3 4557
Ana Stewart University of Miami
3 4498
Yumi Yoshiyasu Dartmouth College
3 6532
Miles Bailey University of Rhode Island
3 4772
Jemma Schroder Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 6130
Marbella Marlo Harvard University
3 7974
Alice Schmid Stanford University
3 7432
Jin Johnson U. S. Coast Guard Academy
4 4861
Ryan Wahba U. S. Naval Academy
5 5705
Gillian Perrell Tulane University
5 4908
Alexander Jaber Northeastern University
4 4849
Vera Allen Brown University
3 7079
Caroline Dannacher University of Pennsylvania
3 4431
Sara Schumann Boston College
3 6685
Celia Byrne Tufts University
3 5137
Abbie Chipps University of Rhode Island
2 6639
Frances Depke Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2 4914
Renee Smith Connecticut College
2 3503
Parker Younger Old Dominion University
2 4661
Aidan Cunningham Boston College
2 3664
Ruby Redmond U. S. Merchant Marine Academy
2 4053
Sam Thompson University of Vermont
2 3969
Magnus Weissenberger University of Miami
2 4181
Matthew Cabot Harvard University
2 3371
Alexis Young Stanford University
2 7314
Raam Fox St. Mary's College of Maryland
1 4594
Henry Breslin Hobart and William Smith Colleges
1 3717
Ashley Breyer Connecticut College
1 3860
Zoe Hoctor St. Mary's College of Maryland
1 6197
Lauren O'Neill U. S. Coast Guard Academy
1 7346
Zoe Grant Northeastern University
1 4894
Rori Bywater Jacksonville University
1 5247
Patrick Igoe Jacksonville University
1 2806

COED TR CREW Rivals For F23-S24

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Lauren O'Neill U. S. Coast Guard Academy
7 5349
Charles Pohl U. S. Coast Guard Academy
7 5235
Daniel Neville U. S. Coast Guard Academy
7 5342
Ellie Harned Stanford University
4 4013
Alice Schmid Stanford University
4 5089
Gwendolyn Donahue Stanford University
4 5641
Laura Slovensky U. S. Coast Guard Academy
4 4154
Michaela O'Brien Boston College
2 3783
Lily Ornstein Boston College
2 4697
Jin Johnson U. S. Coast Guard Academy
3 4770
Ellie Alex U. S. Naval Academy
3 4836
Madeline Smith U. S. Naval Academy
3 4771
Hunter Anderson U. S. Naval Academy
3 4392
Darby Graham U. S. Naval Academy
3 4229
Ryan Wahba U. S. Naval Academy
3 4919
Tanner Kelly U. S. Naval Academy
3 3726
Caroline Keeffe-Jones Brown University
5 4101
Emily Mueller Brown University
5 4616
Cam Spriggs Brown University
5 3107
Savannah Young Brown University
5 4204
Vera Allen Brown University
5 4526
Libby Redmond Boston College
5 2671
Carmen Berg Yale University
5 4169
Chip Kreuzkamp Boston College
7 2608
Jack Redmond Boston College
7 NS
Sara Schumann Boston College
7 4295
Matt Budington Boston College
7 4130
Nathan Sih Yale University
8 4595
Jessi Avila-Shah Yale University
8 4468
Ashley Highland Yale University
8 4412
Henry Tindall Tufts University
9 3878
William Eykyn Tufts University
9 3971
Celia Byrne Tufts University
9 4097
Cindy Wang Tufts University
9 3881
Sarah Moeder Yale University
7 3434
Elle Sykes Yale University
7 3869
Miles Bailey University of Rhode Island
5 4655
Abbie Chipps University of Rhode Island
5 4200
Eric Pohl University of Rhode Island
5 4366
Sadie Thomas University of Rhode Island
5 4566
Marbella Marlo Harvard University
5 5592
Kennedy Leehealey Harvard University
5 5871
JJ Drummond Harvard University
5 3583
Matthew Elliott Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 3556
Wendy Wu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 4193
Jemma Schroder Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 4738
Julius Heitkoetter Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 3962
Yitian Zhu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 4041
Alexandra Dorofeev Harvard University
3 5672
Nicholas Abate Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 4118
Yumi Yoshiyasu Dartmouth College
3 4660
Lilly Baker Dartmouth College
3 4819
Alexandra Pierce Dartmouth College
3 3769
Reese Bragg Dartmouth College
3 4756
Elise Donovan Dartmouth College
3 4108
Tryg van Wyk George Washington University
3 2996
Sam Schuhwerk George Washington University
3 2480
Henry McPherson George Washington University
3 3454
Nick Lopez George Washington University
3 2636
Ian Milko George Washington University
3 2480
Katherine Shermock St. Mary's College of Maryland
3 4487
Rachel O'Neill St. Mary's College of Maryland
3 4331
Raam Fox St. Mary's College of Maryland
3 4708
Dexter Mueller St. Mary's College of Maryland
3 4013
Zoe Hoctor St. Mary's College of Maryland
3 4483
Garrett Grenauer College of Charleston
3 3400
Lucy Klempen College of Charleston
3 4773
Noelle Owen College of Charleston
3 4647
Andrea Melnik College of Charleston
3 2189
Aidan Iaconis College of Charleston
3 2976
Katelyn McGauley Boston College
3 3460
Leo Terry Tufts University
2 3466
Marcus Adam SUNY Maritime College
2 3890
Nicholas Cunha SUNY Maritime College
2 2818
Eva Leggett SUNY Maritime College
2 3054
Frances Depke Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2 3746
Elijah Goldman Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2 2920
Rachel Duggan Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2 3967
Henry Breslin Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2 2920
Anna McBride Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2 3813
Wynne Williams Cornell University
2 2961
Boris Bialer Cornell University
2 3301
Clara Hewson Cornell University
2 3194
Kate Moran Cornell University
2 3012
Vivian Smith Connecticut College
1 536
Renee Smith Connecticut College
1 NS
Andrew Selian Connecticut College
1 1829
Tatem Gee Connecticut College
1 2738
Cecilia Bohan Connecticut College
1 3600
Wade Anthony Connecticut College
1 2912
Timmy Gee Bowdoin College
1 4016
Kique Ruiz Bowdoin College
1 3478
Holliss Hirsch Bowdoin College
1 2891
Isabelle Tsuchitori Bowdoin College
1 3337
Ximena Escobar Yale University
1 3073
Nicolas Echarte Tufts University
1 3226
Lourdes Gallo Boston College
1 4931
Xavier Ayala Vermont Harvard University
1 2521
Matthew Cabot Harvard University
1 2204
Aidan Pesce Harvard University
1 3990
Lucas Woodworth Stanford University
1 3256
Reade Decker Stanford University
1 2646
Grace Austin Stanford University
1 4033
Max Katz-Christy Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1 2835


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
F23 06 Open ACCs Round 1B 10A 13/18 5
F23 06 Open ACCs Round 1B 9A 12/18 9
F23 05 Danmark Trophy 7A 13/20 17
F23 05 Danmark Trophy 6A 13/20 18
F23 05 Danmark Trophy 5A 3/20 15
S23 18 College Sailing Open Eastern Semifinal 4A 15/18 10
S23 18 College Sailing Open Eastern Semifinal 3A 7/18 8
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 15A 5/18 9
F22 06 Open Atlantic Coast Dinghy Championships, Round 1A 14A 18/18 8
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 10B 9/19 5
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 9B 3/19 11
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 4B 5/19 9
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 3B 10/19 14
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 2B 7/19 6
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 1B 9/19 13
F22 05 Danmark Trophy 11A 16/19 3
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 2A 10/18 6
F22 04 Sherman Hoyt Trophy 1A 14/18 12
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 11A 8/18 5
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 10A 2/18 8
S22 16 College Sailing Open Western Semifinal 9A 8/18 11
S22 13 New England Dinghy Champs for the CG Alumni Bowl 3B 10/18 8
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 15C 7/15 9
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 14C 3/15 8
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 13C 9/15 4
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 12C 1/15 6
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 11C 13/15 5
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 10C 7/15 7
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 9C 9/15 5
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 8C 16/15 4
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 7C 10/15 6
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 6C 7/15 6
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 5C 6/15 3
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 4C 11/15 2
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 3C 14/15 5
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 2C 3/15 3
S22 11 Thompson Throphy 1C 2/15 4
F21 09 Boston University Invite 15 3/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 14 6/18 2
F21 09 Boston University Invite 13 1/18 3
F21 09 Boston University Invite 12 8/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 11 6/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 10 14/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 9 3/18 2
F21 09 Boston University Invite 8 1/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 7 2/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 6 6/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 5 1/18 3
F21 09 Boston University Invite 4 4/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 3 1/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 2 7/18 1
F21 09 Boston University Invite 1 12/18 1
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 17A 3/18 7
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 16A 3/18 8
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 15A 7/18 8
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 14A 8/18 8
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 13A 7/18 7
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 12A 12/18 6
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 11A 5/18 9
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 10A 9/18 10
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 9A 12/18 9
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 8A 6/18 8
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 7A 15/18 4
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 6A 3/18 6
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 5A 7/18 12
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 4A 5/18 6
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 3A 12/18 9
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 2A 12/18 12
F21 07 Nevins Trophy 1A 17/18 9
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 14B 3/18 8
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 13B 16/18 3
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 12B 7/18 3
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 11B 8/18 3
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 10B 6/18 4
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 9B 1/18 3
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 8B 12/18 4
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 7B 14/18 4
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 6B 2/18 4
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 5B 7/18 3
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 4B 10/18 3
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 3B 3/18 2
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 2B 1/18 3
F21 06 The George Warren Smith Trophy 1B 8/18 4
F21 05 Sister Ester 8A 7/18 2
F21 05 Sister Ester 7A 8/18 2
F21 05 Sister Ester 6A 2/18 4
F21 05 Sister Ester 5A 1/18 3
F21 05 Sister Ester 4A 4/18 2
F21 05 Sister Ester 3A 7/18 4
F21 05 Sister Ester 2A 6/18 8
F21 05 Sister Ester 1A 5/18 1
F21 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 13A 16/18 12
F21 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 12A 15/18 9
F21 02 Harry Anderson Jr. Trophy 11A 15/18 4
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 9 9/18 9
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 8 9/18 8
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 7 9/18 6
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 6 1/18 4
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 5 11/18 9
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 4 3/18 5
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 3 3/18 7
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 2 10/18 11
S21 11 URI Spring Invite 1 6/18 10
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 9 6/18 12
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 8 9/18 7
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 7 15/18 10
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 6 11/18 9
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 5 11/18 3
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 4 13/18 8
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 3 10/18 11
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 2 4/18 11
S21 10 Ewenson Trophy 1 5/18 6
Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 107 W 61% W
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 105 L 63% W
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 103 L 75% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 99 W 52% W
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 95 W 63% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 93 W 75% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 90 L 50% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 85 L 50% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 80 L 86% W
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 75 L 66% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 71 W 61% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 68 W 58% W
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 62 W 58% W
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 55 W 55% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 49 W 66% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 44 L 50% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 39 W 55% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 34 L 72% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 29 L 75% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 24 W 75% W
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 17 W 63% L
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 10 W 52% W
S24 10 NEISA Open Team Race Championship/Fowle 3 W 77% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 63 L 55% L
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 59 W 55% L
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 55 W 61% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 51 W 80% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 47 W 66% L
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 43 W 72% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 42 L 69% L
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 38 L 55% L
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 34 W 58% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 30 W 63% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 26 L 69% L
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 22 W 61% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 21 L 66% L
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 17 W 58% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 13 W 72% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 9 W 66% W
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 5 L 55% L
S24 09 The 41st Silver Grey Lynne Marchiando Trophy 1 W 52% L
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 40 W 58% W
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 36 W 50% L
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 32 W 75% L
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 28 L 52% L
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 22 W 66% L
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 17 W 58% W
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 11 W 72% L
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 6 W 66% L
S24 08 63rd Jan Friis Team Race 1 W 69% L
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 85 W 69% L
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 83 W 55% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 81 W 58% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 77 W 63% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 73 L 55% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 72 L 63% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 69 W 63% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 63 W 50% L
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 59 L 63% L
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 54 W 52% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 50 W 58% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 46 W 55% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 39 W 52% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 36 W 66% L
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 33 W 55% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 27 W 52% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 23 L 63% L
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 18 W 52% L
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 14 W 66% L
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 10 W 63% W
S24 06 St. Mary's Team Race Inter-Conference 3 W 55% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 149 L 61% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 146 L 66% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 143 W 58% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 138 W 61% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 133 W 88% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 128 L 66% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 124 L 69% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 115 W 61% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 100 W 69% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 94 L 50% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 88 W 72% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 75 W 58% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 69 L 77% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 63 W 58% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 57 W 55% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 48 L 58% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 40 W 63% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 32 W 63% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 24 W 63% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 18 W 55% W
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 10 W 55% L
S23 17 College Sailing Team Race National Championship 2 L 77% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 78 L 52% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 75 L 83% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 73 W 58% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 69 W 66% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 65 W 55% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 62 W 83% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 58 W 66% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 53 W 72% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 47 W 58% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 42 W 52% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 38 W 52% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 33 W 69% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 29 L 52% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 26 W 77% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 22 W 61% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 17 W 61% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 11 W 69% W
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 6 L 58% L
S23 08 Jan Friis Team Race 2 L 66% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 54 W 75% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 52 W 69% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 50 W 63% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 42 W 58% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 36 W 69% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 31 W 63% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 27 L 66% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 23 W 75% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 19 W 77% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 15 W 66% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 9 W 58% W
S23 06 Graham Hall Team Race 3 L 77% W
S23 05 McMerrick Cup 19 W 55% L
S23 05 McMerrick Cup 15 W 58% L
S23 05 McMerrick Cup 11 W 66% W
S23 05 McMerrick Cup 8 W 55% W
S23 05 McMerrick Cup 5 W 63% W
S23 05 McMerrick Cup 2 W 52% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 29 L 72% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 27 W 58% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 25 L 69% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 22 L 58% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 19 L 69% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 17 L 61% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 15 L 55% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 12 L 58% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 9 L 61% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 7 L 58% W
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 5 W 61% L
F22 09 Dave Perry Trophy 2 L 52% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 83 L 52% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 81 W 52% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 77 L 55% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 73 L 50% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 70 W 50% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 62 L 58% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 55 W 80% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 49 L 55% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 44 L 63% L
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 39 W 72% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 34 W 86% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 29 W 52% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 24 W 58% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 17 W 55% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 10 W 72% W
S22 10 2022 NEISA Team Race Championship 3 W 77% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 115 W 83% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 107 W 63% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 101 L 63% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 95 W 55% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 86 W 66% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 76 L 50% L
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 70 W 80% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 64 W 63% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 54 L 69% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 48 W 69% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 38 W 69% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 28 W 80% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 20 W 55% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 14 W 86% W
S22 09 The 39th Lynne Marchiando Regatta 6 W 58% W
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 62 L 52% L
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 60 W 77% W
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 43 W 69% W
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 41 W 69% W
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 33 L 72% W
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 22 L 55% W
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 11 L 58% W
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 7 W 69% W
S22 07 2022 Graham Hall Team Race 2 L 72% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 56 W 55% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 51 W 80% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 46 W 69% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 41 W 66% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 37 W 80% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 34 W 83% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 31 W 83% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 28 L 61% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 23 W 80% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 18 W 63% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 13 W 86% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 9 W 83% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 6 W 75% W
S22 05 Sharpe Trophy Team Race 3 W 80% W
S21 16 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 14 L 55% L
S21 16 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 10 L 52% W
S21 16 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 7 L 63% W
S21 16 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 5 L 52% W
S21 16 Mystic Lake Team Racing Invite 3 L 50% L
S21 08 Robin Wallace Team Race 14 W 52% L
S21 08 Robin Wallace Team Race 12 L 77% L
S21 08 Robin Wallace Team Race 8 L 69% L
S21 08 Robin Wallace Team Race 4 L 58% L
S21 08 Robin Wallace Team Race 1 L 72% L
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 42 L 52% W
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 36 L 66% L
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 31 L 66% L
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 27 L 61% W
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 23 L 50% L
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 19 W 55% L
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 15 L 55% L
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 9 L 55% W
S21 07 Southern New England Team Race 3 L 63% L
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 53 W 52% L
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 49 L 52% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 46 W 63% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 43 W 63% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 40 W 66% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 35 W 66% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 30 W 63% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 25 W 52% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 21 L 52% L
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 18 L 52% L
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 15 W 69% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 12 W 55% L
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 7 W 63% W
S21 06 Hap Moore Team Race 2 W 61% W