John Murray III's Profile

Penn State University Burgee
Penn State University

Rating History

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Rating History

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Season Rivals

COED FLEET CREW Rivals For F23-S24

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
Grace Hartman University of Maryland/Baltimore County
2 2995
Anjali Frary University of Virginia
2 3614
Sofia Issel Virginia Tech
2 3170
Meredith Timm William and Mary
2 2682
Elise Singletary University of Delaware
2 2977
William Hammann University of Maryland
2 1982
Ella Napolitano American University
2 2745


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S24 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 2B 3/8 4
S24 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 1B 2/8 3
S23 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 8A 5/8 3
S23 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 7A 5/8 4
S23 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 6A 5/8 1
S23 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 5A 3/8 2
S23 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 4A 5/8 5
S23 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 3A 4/8 4
S23 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 2A 4/8 2
S23 10 Jeremy A. Pinkerton Memorial Regatta 1A 3/8 4