Brad Daugherty's Profile

University of Delaware Burgee
University of Delaware

Rating History

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Rating History

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Season Rivals

COED FLEET CREW Rivals For F23-S24

Sailor School Weighted Win Rate Weighted Race Count Rating
jonathan walerys 2027 Drexel University
2 2863
Michael Blose University of Delaware
2 2813
Mary Wholean Virginia Tech
4 3350
Nathan Haase Rutgers University
4 2708
Makenna Labor Penn State University
4 4527
Nolani Lloyd Princeton University
4 3631
christian aron Catholic University of America
4 2250
Ella Napolitano American University
2 2745
Quinten Tomaro Drexel University
2 2495
Deepak Ramesh University of Delaware
2 2464
Ryan Curtis American University
2 3875


Season Week Event Race Result Predicted Rating Change
S24 12 Delaware Spring Open 6B 5/9 8
S24 12 Delaware Spring Open 5B 7/9 8
S24 12 Delaware Spring Open 2B 5/9 8
S24 12 Delaware Spring Open 1B 7/9 6
S23 15 Engineer's Cup 3B 5/5 4
S23 15 Engineer's Cup 1B 4/5 5
S23 09 Delaware River Dinghy Regatta 11B 5/11 7
S23 09 Delaware River Dinghy Regatta 10B 8/11 6
S23 09 Delaware River Dinghy Regatta 9B 8/11 8
S23 09 Delaware River Dinghy Regatta 8B 8/11 6
F22 07 Washington College Fall Open 8A 12/16 8
F22 07 Washington College Fall Open 7A 11/16 8
F22 07 Washington College Fall Open 4A 12/16 9
F22 07 Washington College Fall Open 3A 9/16 8